The Vacuum

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 94 - The Vacuum [34:47m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

This week is really different. Morgan is in California, Rich just got back Northern Virginia and Mack is at home for a change. We kick things off with discussions about child porn and terrorism, police tattoo issues and survival rates involving soft body armor.

The first story really sucked – you will agree. Flowers for you, my love . . . or victim. Quote of the week, “That’s what I do, I steal things.” Car surfing under a full moon can be dangerous. A 76 year old woman is arrested for the 73rd time! This bartender is “barely” able to do her job. You can’t say this robber was all thumbs. You might say this guy is serious about personal hygiene. For all you robbers out there, let’s talk about camouflage.

This is a very special day. It is Hillary Clinton’s birthday and Mother-In-Law’s Day so if you were looking for a reason to drink, now you have it. So kick back on the Lazy Boy recliner, pop the top on a cold one, fire up the iPod and enjoy another fantastic episode of CopCAST.

The Happy Meal

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icon for podpress  Standard Podcast [40:12m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

This week things have calmed down and Morgan is preparing to resurface on the Internet. As if he did not have enough unfinished projects, Mack started a new business and Rich is still pedaling around town on his little pink bike.

We start off trying to figure out the real purpose of photo-red enforcement. The FBI 2007 LE Officers Killed and Assaulted Report is out. Satan stops by a U.S. Bank branch but he is unable to get into his safe deposit box. You deserve a break today! Why not treat yourself to a Happy Meal like a Florida driver? Bring along some cash though since they do not barter. The CopCAST crew says, “Leave our seniors alone!” Will video game violence corrupt Mack’s son or is it just the fact that he is Mack’s son? Philadelphia Chief Ramsey pays tribute to a fallen hero with a hat, white gloves, a red rose and a promotion. Alcohol and farm equipment “combine” to make bad things happen. Cattle rustling in 2008? Really? How to get wasted while siphoning gas – an oldie but goodie.

It’s hunting season so load up the iPod, grab your gun, head to your tree stand and enjoy the show.

The Whipping Boy

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 92 - The Whipping Boy [35:12m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

This week Morgan learns that no good deed goes unpunished. Mack and Rich have to circle the wagons to protect him from the forum crowd.

I wonder if they teach tackling in the German police academy. Some bad cyclists are intoxicated while others are just jerks. They are hanging loose in Florida thanks to the bra bandit. The verdict is in for the Rhode Island record holder. You cannot beat this smoking succession program. Thin is in for computer screens. The case is closed by a 13 year old sleuth.

So heat up some green tea, relax, fire up the iPod and check out this week’s show.

Crusin' Cooler

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 91 - Crusin' Cooler [35:07m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

The entire CopCAST crew is back at the microphones for this week’s show – and a great show it is.

Sometimes you just have to wonder about people. For instance, how could one driver accumulate 1.9 million dollars in fines. Idaho just says “no” to campus cops. It is really “Sucksville” when a cops starts a fire – even for love. Remember, it is not the fall that will get you – it is the sudden stop. Dallas Police Department releases shooting video. Is there really a blue wall of silence? Great database – not so great results. Really, the guy was driving a cooler. This week we have the weird, the strange and the bazaar – and that is just Mack’s vacation pictures.

So stop watching debate reruns, break out the lawn chair, fire up that fancy new Zune player and enjoy the show.

Texting Is Dumb

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 90 - Texting Is Dumb [44:14m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

The Mackster is still across the pond and we are hoping that the London Bridge is not falling down. Morgan got stuck in California but he fought his way back to do the show.

This week we have a student who thought it would be a good joke to steal dead animals from the vet and stash them in the lockers at the local high school. The cops did not agree. A bad search gives an Alaska man the opportunity to commit suicide in the back seat of a patrol car. Several charges have been dropped against a Seattle cop stemming from an August shooting at Sturgis. To the dude with the picnic – is she really worth all that trouble? A study shows that a motorist who is texting is significantly more impaired than a motorist at the legal limit for alcohol. The windy city cops are expressing their displeasure with management via reduced productivity. A gorilla robs a Dunkin Donuts store – or something like that. One subject serves as the intermediate weapons training dummy for the local police. Ah Morgan . . . in what state did those last two incidents occur? What a week!

So turn off the television, fire up the iPod and get ready for another fantastic show. Mack should be back next week provided he has enough money left for the return airfare.

Mission Failed

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 89 - Mission Failed [50:39m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Mack’s vacation habits are quickly becoming the stuff of legends and he continues to build on his reputation by taking off to Europe this week.  We feel duty bound to say, “Look out London, you are his first stop.”  So Rich and Morgan have to keep the home fires going this week sans the Mackster.

A dad is charged with assault for hitting his daughter’s naked boyfriend with a pipe after finding him in her bedroom in the wee hours of the morning.  What’s up with that?  You may be funny but don’t quit your day job, chief.  The Virginia Supreme Court says sending 10 million spam e-mails per day is a protected right.  It must have been the full moon that caused that guy to think it was a good idea to rob the same bank twice.  It is never a good idea to invite a real cop when you are playing cop.  By the way, that camera looking thing on the wall, it is a camera.  It is nice to know that even a secret agent can have a bad day.  These are just a few of the stories we discuss plus we have some great listener feedback and a bunch useless banter.

So take a little “me” time, kick back, put on the earphones, fire up the iPod and get ready for another great episode of CopCAST!

Bald Is Beautiful

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 88 - Bald Is Beautiful [42:00m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

This week the entire crew was back at their home bases but Mack quickly departed for another weekend on the boat.

As usual, we discuss the unusual like the cross-dressing purse snatcher who lost his boob. We also have another fleeing emu but this one did not end happily. Deputy black bear kept us on the zoological theme. Canadians suspect that bullets kill but so does being thrown from a car on the highway – the investigation continues. On a somber note, we remember the seventh anniversary of the 911 attack. We also talk about a high tech solution to a low tech problem. Some banks learn that social engineering is an effective way to lift their data and equipment.

Gas is back up to $4.00 per gallon so jump in your high rise, four-wheel-drive truck, fire up the iPod and listen to the show. It is a heck of a lot cheaper than driving that monster truck.

Wake Up Mack!

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 87 - Wake Up Mack! [42:00m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

This week Morgan made his return, although we had to catch up with him in San Francisco and Mack was actually back on dry land.

Google and Comcast grabbed the tech headlines this week – Google for giving its customers a new product and Comcast for taking away its service. The cop and tech communities join forces to fight crime using GPS units. We found out that those Canadians take their Internet service very seriously. One town in New York is trying to cut costs by terminating those costly veteran cops. Hey bright boy, its not a good idea to tease a pit bull. Shampoo! Someone is going to go to jail for stealing shampoo? Pedestrians and a full moon – how romantic. A big thanks to the growing number of CopCAST correspondents – we appreciate you!

Remember to send us your training and event announcements so we can announce them on the show. If you have not joined Cops Online, stop by and check it out – help us expand this great social network for cops.

So grab your iPod, sack out on the deck lounge chair and enjoy the show. By the way, that cop on the little pink bike that Morgan posted on Cops Online was not Rich. His bike does not have a basket.

The Liberal Flu

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 86 - The Liberal Flu [28:32m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

This week only two of the stooges were available to do the show. Morgan went to San Francisco for a business meeting and we really thought the liberals had kidnapped him. It ended up that he merely contracted a bad dose of the liberal flu. I knew he should have been vaccinated before going to that bastion of liberalism.

On the brighter side, we had a CopCAST first – Bloomfield, MO Chief Jason Curtman sent us our first audio comment. We also learned that Jerry Seinfeld will be the spokesman in the new Microsoft commercials . . . not that there is anything wrong with that! Also on the tech side, Chrysler will introduce an internet hotspot option in their new vehicles.

In the cop news, the family that robs together stays together. Remember, the next time you offer someone your “two cents” make sure she is not an undercover officer working a prostitution sting. Does fried emu really taste like chicken? Bad things happened when a Florida man tried to practice safe sex. A Hawaiian says, “It’s good to be the king!”

On a side note, the Cops Online website reached the 500 member milestone. Check them out at So move the hammock out under the big shade tree, grab a cold beverage, put in your earphones, fire up the iPod and join us for another great show.

Excessive Sound Effects

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icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 85 - Excessive Sound Effects [42:31m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In the words of Mick Jagger, “Too much is never enough.” OK, so we went a little overboard with the sound effects but therein lies the danger of giving little boys fancy toys. However our legion of listeners really came through for us by sending in some great local stories and our CopCAST correspondents searched the web to find some great news reports.

CNN never covers the really interesting stories like the robber who locked his keys in his get away car so we do. Most of us like to go on a department sponsored road trip every now and then. However, one Kentucky sheriff may have carried it a little far on a recent extradition. I apologize in advance but you know we were going to have to talk about the recent Big Foot finding. Like they say,”There is a sucker born every minute.” We also tell you about a new program that provides e-mail for inmate. It actually is not as bad as it sounds. These are just a few of the stories we discuss this week.

So put on your silk smoking jacket, kick back in your recliner, fire up the iPod and join us for another lighthearted look at the cop news.