Missing Mack

(Click on the play arrow below to listen to the show or click the “Download” link and save the file to your computer)

icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 74 - The Missing Mack [20:37m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

The lyrics of an old Three Dog Night said that one is the loneliest number and Rich got to find out this week. Mack was not available to do the show but, like they say in show business, “The show must go on!”

Although the show is a little shorter than usual, it is packed with some great stories including the case of the ASPCA v. Ringling Brothers, a young woman who learns not to mess with the greatest generation, a naked nut, a potty rescue, the latest teen craze and more.

FEMA has also cut loose grant funds in a couple of areas.  Applications are available at http://www.grants.gov.

The BOL is still out on Mack so if anyone finds him, Taser him, hog tie him and make sure he is around for the show next week. We hope you enjoy the show and have a great week. Stay safe and always wear your vest.

Mack's Boat

(Click on the play arrow below to listen to the show or click the “Download” link and save the file to your computer)

icon for podpress  CopCAST - Episode 73 [21:31m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Last week when we did the first episode of CopCAST in over a year, we didn’t know how it would go over. We weren’t even sure if any of our old listeners were still around. Well, apparently they’re still around because we had a banner week of downloads. A couple of listeners even took a moment to write send us an e-mail.

Guillaume “Rob” Robitaille, wrote to say, “Hey guys!!! I just wanted to thank you for coming back. I’ve been listening to you from Quebec city for the last 3 years. I listened to you while running when I was in police technology (the college course in the Quebec province) then while in police academy and finally I will have the chance to listen to you on duty since I’m now a police officer for about a year. So thank you again guys. It’s always a pleasure to hear what you have to say!!!

Then Glenn Howell, AKA WiredPig, also wrote to say, “Mack and Rich, Thanks for putting out a new episode! Been a long time. I ran into Mack on twitter and hooked him up with the Portland Police (http://twitter.com/portlandpolice) user on there. Again, its great to have you both back.

So how could we not come back this week? Mack was on his boat but we were able to do a “remote from the boat.” This week we talk about a police involved shooting in Virginia, Twitter, the LifeLock challenge, Rich’s trip to the Stone Mountain School, a video website about speeders, the Titan Exhaust Air Jack, roll call training and more.

So kick off your shoes, sit back, relax and enjoy the show. We sure enjoyed doing it – three times . . . but that’s another story.

Reunion Tour

(Click on the play arrow below to listen to the show or click the “Download” link and save the file to your computer)

icon for podpress  CopCAST - Episode 72 [23:10m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

If the Spice Girls can do it – so can we! That right – We’re Back!! Mack and Rich – the CopCAST crew – are back for a reunion tour and it won’t cost you $200 for a ticket.

It has been about a year since we last broadcast but we still have it. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Then take a minute to shoot us an e-mail at talkback@copcast.net and tell us what you think. While you are at it, check out Mack’s internet empire at Canadacops.com and don’t forget to visit his blog, A Cops Thoughts, at canadacops.com/blog. If you really get bored, check out Rich’s pearls of wisdom over at The Sisyphus Comments, at rlsei.com/blog.

We want to thank our “Legions of Listeners” for hanging in there. And thanks to everyone for downloading and listening to the show. You can also find the podcast on iTunes. Just visit the iTunes music store and search for CopCAST. Don’t forget to register for the CopCAST forum. But even more importantly, remember to stay safe . . . and always wear your vest. So, from the whole crew at CopCAST . . . have a great week!