Jigsaw LoveJust when you think things are going to return to normal, this job throws you a curve. Morgan has finally returned from his whirlwind tour down under but now Mack is missing in action. Actually, he got called back out right before we started to record so he is probably more accurately “missing for action.” However, that is the nature of the beast so Morgan and Rich picked up the torch and carried on.

In the news this week, we are reminded that peeing on the coffee table can get expensive, especially when you do it in the wrong house. In our keynote story, an adventurous couple enlisted the help of DeWalt but it resulted in a medevac flight to the hospital. Popeye would be proud of the New Mexico cops who discovered some interesting cans of spinach. Was there a full moon last week? An assault with a turkey baster? Really? Can you believe those two nice girls took that guy’s casino winnings. A rookie meth lab builder is happy the cops caught him.

Check out Morgan’s pics from his trip at http://gallery.me.com/morgan.wright.

If this show sounds a little bazaar, that is because it is. What else would you expect when Mack is not here to supervise the crew. So turn the volume down on the basketball game, fire up the iPod and enjoy the show.

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The Stoned Cat

The dynamic duo is back again this week since Morgan is has gone underground since going down under. It is just like old times again this week but the full CopCAST crew will be back next week. On a side note, the active membership of Cops Online (http://copsonline.com) blew by the 3000 mark this week.

We kick off the news this week with our keynote story about the stoned cat. Remember age is just a number; you are only as old as you feel; 50 is the new 30 – except in New Jersey! Note to self, if you are a cop and you are going drive DUI, don’t hit a police car. A Florida woman now has boobs that bounce almost as well as her checks. For his YouTube production, this guy should win an Academy Award – NOT. Remember, a failure to serve chicken McNuggets does not constitute an emergency in Florida.

Be sure to check out he Taser Webcast on March 10, 2009. The link to sign up is http://www.taser.com.

If you are on the east coast, you have a beautiful weekend to put on your bikini or speedo, get outside with your iPod and catch some rays while you catch the this week’s show. Remember to stay safe, always wear your vest and have a great week.

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The Repo Man

The CopCAST crew is running lean and mean for a second week in a row. This week it is Morgan who in on the MIA list since he is traveling on business down under. Of course, Rich and Mack would never take advantage of the situation by poking Morgan when he can’t defend himself. Mack talks about his recent trip to Cuba and what it is like to have Fidel on his Christmas card list. For the record, the wallpaper is down in the bathroom. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry about it.

The COPS Office will receive the funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to address the personnel needs of state, local, and tribal law enforcement.  Application materials are scheduled to be available before the end of March.  For additional info visit CLICK HERE.
Age and determination trumps youth and crime. The only thing more shocking than this Ohio crime is the maximum penalty. Our keynote story this week involves guns, badges, some dope and a repo man. Maybe these two Swedish kidnappers ought to find a new profession or at least get some sleep. Robbing a French bank is a stinky job. The seventies called and they want their purple pimp clothes back.

Even at two thirds strength we have managed to put together a show that is twice as good as the competition. Imagine what it will be like when we are full strength. So grab an energy drink so you can keep up, download the show, fire up the iPod and enjoy. Remember to stay safe, always wear your vest and have a great week.

icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 112 - The Repo Man [31:39m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Hiding In Havana

This week the CopCAST crew is running a little light.  No Morgan hasn’t lost any weight.  Mack is in Cuba smoking cigars and sipping rum with Fidel so  Rich and Morgan have to carry the torch.

In the news, a Canadian woman went looking for love in all the wrong places and got screwed by the Nigerians.  Two border patrol agents are released from the big house.  Is that guy a thief?  It depends.  Don’t you hate when people lose their balls?  Male enhancement but at what price?  An Oregon man has developed new custom trousers.  Bloomington cops really love doughnuts now!  Police intelligence – who knew?

We have all this and more!  So don’t let Mack be the only one having fun.  Download the show, break out the rum, fire up the iPod and enjoy.

icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 111 - Hiding In Havana [36:12m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Naked Motorcyclist

I am beginning to think February is just a bridge to spring. It has been a boring month. Mack was down because he was bruised a little in the I am beginning to think February is just a bridge to spring. It has been a boring month. Mack was down because he was bruised a little in the comments section of his new website. Unlike women who turn to comfort food in such circumstances, he reacted like a true man – he traded in his television on a 50″ plasma. Morgan is busy stocking up food, water and weapons to fight off the terrorists after his trip to Charlotte. Rich spent his week stripping again – wallpaper that is. Now for the next year, he will be remodeling the master bathroom.

Don’t forget to visit the OpenCourseWare Consortium (http://www.ocwconsortium.org/). You can listen to lectures, watch videos of special events and even access course materials.

This week we discuss what can happen if you flip off your former wife. Then an Ohio kid nearly pulls off a sweet crime. A California man is killed in an incredible series of misfortunes. Then there is the story about drugs, cops, GPS, night vision googles, gangsters and stupid mules. Getting loaded and taking the dog for a walk could be interesting. The keynote story this week involves a naked motorcyclist and an Arkansas state trooper. If you’re having sex with your co-worker’s 14 year old daughter, it might not be such a good idea to engage in sex chat with her on your work computer and then walk away with the evidence right on the screen! The caped crusader of porn visits a sex shop. Finally, you have to hear about the teacher who cut class to render services.

The bottom line is if your February is as boring as ours, you need a diversion. So download the show, power up the iPod, lean back in the recliner and enjoy. As always make sure you listen until the end!

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Turned 21 In Prison

The CopCAST crew is driving on through the cold winter days. Could it be that Mack is regaining a hardened street cop attitude after only a few weeks back on the road? Will Morgan come back from his “hard work” at the conferences with a sun tan? Will Rich ever get the wallpaper off his bathroom walls? Inquiring minds want to know. You will have to tune in to this episode to find out the answers to these pressing questions.

This week a Maryland family believes that all takes a whack at the cops. Potty pyromaniacs strike in San Francisco. Customs agents put the habias grabus on pigeons that flew first class to Australia. Retired Atlanta cop get busted for flashing badge. Hey hold my beer while I do burnouts outside a police graduation. Our keynote story this week is about a robber who is not permitted to violate age restrictions on alcohol consumption. A Florida man is busted for looking for love in all the wrong places. If you get ripped off on a dope deal, don’t call the cops. Putting 911 on hold while you make a dope deal is not a good idea.

So hitch up your big boy (or girl) trousers, download the show, fire up the iPod and enjoy yourself. You deserve it.

icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 109 - Turned 21 In Prison [31:41m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Ginsu Knife Road Rage

It is hard to believe that Superbowl Sunday is upon us. That only leaves the Pro Bowl and then life is a downhill slide into baseball season. Fortunately, Mack has returned to the road to fight crime and injustice so he will be busy. Morgan has been working hard on an information integration project and has practically been out of the online loop. Rich is just waiting for Sunday and the inevitable Steeler victory.

We kick things off this week with our keynote story about Ginsu knife road rage. Is it serial arson or an gang initiation in Pennsylvania? Participate in restraining order violation and get charged with being an accessory. The goat stole my car. Is doughnut-eater really a criminal insult? Get real guys. If you want a long burglary career don’t do it near the Premier’s house. My feet are freezing! Man’s best friend gets busted. Some people should just be strung up.

This week the show is a mixture of wild and serious stories. So while you wait for the Superbowl, download the show, fire up the iPod and enjoy.

icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 108 - Ginsu Knife Road Rage [34:44m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Bisexual Hooker Cop

This week everything returned to normal for the CopCAST crew – well at least as normal as it can be. The recording went much more smoothly. Mack is back on the road and playing cop. Morgan is happy that the Obama mania is over. Rich describes a security problem with the Safari browser. If you are on Windows, just stop using Safari until a fix is released. If you are using Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, follow the updated instructions on Mastenbrook’s Web site at http://brian.mastenbrook.net/display/27. Rich also posted an officer safety warning on the True Blue group at Cops Online about a hidden compartment on All-Star hats.

This week in the news a fleeing subject gets that run down feeling. How many crimes can one person commit in seven hours? Gwinnet County, Georgia wins the million dollar lottery. Matt Dillon gets popped doing 106 in a 65 mile per hour zone. A Chicago cop gets stung in a tow truck pay off scam. Our keynote story this week is out of Great Britain and it involves a bisexual hooker cop. You can’t make this stuff up! Note to self – don’t attend your own funeral. Even Allstate won’t forgive this guy. Cocaine and personal hygiene equipment.

Since, there is no football on television this week so you might as well spend you couch potato time listening to this week’s show.

icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 107 - Bisexual Hooker Cop [33:33m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

OC Spray

(Click on the play arrow below to listen to the show or click the “Download” link and save the file to your computer)

icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 106 - Intermediate Weapons Practice [34:16m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

This week, from a tech perspective, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Morgan is trying to adjust to a daily work schedule after his long holiday break.  Mack is trying to stay warm in the -38 degree temperatures in Timmons.  Rich spent his week teach a supervisory course at the Norfolk Police Training Center and then took off to Pittsburgh for the AFC championship game.  However, the CopCAST crew pulled together another great show.

The New Zealand police used Facebook to catch a burglar.  A bank robber in Ohio waits patiently for his turn to rob the bank.  Our keynote story is a dream come true for most cops.  Connecticut officers got to use their entire cache of intermediate weapons on an attorney.  It just does not get any better than that.  Remember, do not cut line at Walmart.  It is amazing what you can buy for a few cases of beer.  A man is arrested for shooting prematurely in bed.  What was that rule about honoring your mother?  A new super hero rescues a Chicago woman.  Hey, how about a piece of gum, ladies?

If all that does not stimulate your curiosity, you are in the wrong business.  So fire up that new iPod, download the show and shut out the world for 30 minutes.

(Click on the play arrow below to listen to the show or click the “Download” link and save the file to your computer)

icon for podpress  CopCAST Episode 105 - Looking For Love [32:47m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Now that we have the holidays behind us the next big challenge will be making it through the winter weather and the Christmas bills. Even Mack and Morgan (aka Ming the Merciless or Morfan) had to go back to work this week. Will we have nationwide free wireless broadband access in the U.S.? Yea, right – just as soon as we get our flying cars.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family, and the police family, of Dallas Police Department Senior Corporal Norman Smith, who was killed while serving a warrant this week. Cheryl Ferguson, a dispatcher from Texas wants to enlist the help of our Legion of Listeners to get a cop hater Website taken down. The Website is ghettobraggingrights.wordpress.com and there is an online petition to have it removed at http://www.petitiononline.com/gbr2233/petition.html. Please take a moment to sign this petition.

The Cops Online social networking site reached 2000 active members and continues to grow. If you have not joined yet, take a moment to sign up.

This week we start off with a story about a novel way to avoid a traffic summons. Then a store clerk has his shoplifting problem locked up. A Washington drunk could use a GPS unit. Note to self: It is not a good idea to call a cab to take you from a burglary. Go to jail on a drunk canine charge – yea right! Charles Barkley get busted for DUI and does not make his “date.” I have an idea – let’s sell meth in the police parking lot. A canine takes a bite out of the bathroom burglar. Our keynote story: How do I love you? Let me count the ways my plastic sweetheart.

Remember, we welcome training or event announcements from any criminal justice agency or training organization. Also, if your agency is hiring, just send us a little information about the job and we’ll announce it on the next show. Send us an email at talkback@copcast.net.

The football playoffs are cranking up but after the game don’t forget to download the show, fire up the iPod and join us for another great episode of CopCAST.