Marco Polo

Is it summer already? It must be in Virginia but the 94% humidity level cannot keep Rich and Morgan down, even though they are begging Mack to send down some of that cool Canadian air. Mack is the Top Gun in OPP and we didn’t even know he could fly. Are badge bunnies a really myth? Write and give us your opinion.

We fired up the news machine with a story about an idiot who is blown away by landscaper. A Wisconsin lady (and I use the term loosely) slip slides right into jail. How could one man come up with so many bad decisions is such a short period of time? Let’s see, get the girlfriend so drunk she passes out, take her clothes off, have sex and live stream it over the net – hmmmmm. A Taiwan legislator flips his wig and a the perp goes to jail for five months. Drunk, stinky and hiding in a woman’s car, more good ideas. Then two drunks give new meaning to being “stuck in the middle with you.” Is that a cell phone in your pocket or are you happy to see me. I know I am a robber but I’m a girl so let me go. “Marco” Finally our keynote story which is another good idea that wasn’t. “Polo”

Of course, we have another installment of the Tales From George’s Pocketbook, our audio segment from our brother officers Great Britain. This week George is in the wrong place at the right time – pretty much like everyone that has ever worn a police uniform has experienced more than once in their career. Unfortunately, he ends up working an extra half a day but he had the satisfaction of dealing with someone that desperately needed to be ‘dealt with’.

So put on some Jimmy Buffett music, mix up a margarita and grab the large salt shaker. Oh yeah, once you finish that first drink, Buffett goes off and CopCAST goes on. So remember to stay safe, always wear your vest and have a great week.

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